Cyber dating abuse: a study of social representations with Brazilian university students




cyber abuse, intimate partners, love relationships, social representations


The present study aimed at apprehending the social representations (SR) of Brazilian university students about digital Cyber Dating Abuse (CDA). A total of 447 participants participated in the study, responding to the Free Word Association Technique and the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ). The data pointed to a high prevalence of involvement in CDA, both in victimization (87.6% control / monitoring, 34.7%, direct aggression); (92.6% control/monitoring, 25.1%, direct aggression). In addition, the results indicated that the structuring elements of SR were anchored in contemporary relational uncertainty and the conception of dominance within intimate relationships. Concerning the evocations of the peripheral nucleus, CDA was anchored in the violation of the rights to privacy and its causes and consequences, permeating psycho-affective and social aspects. Finally, the data revealed that "jealousy" presents itself as the central and organizing element of RS of this phenomenon, motivating abusive virtual actions.


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How to Cite

Gomes Cavalcanti , J. ., da Penha de Lima Coutinho , M. ., & Vieira de Lima Pinto , A. . (2020). Cyber dating abuse: a study of social representations with Brazilian university students. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(2), e-2312.




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