The implication of deprivation of freedom on fathering: a qualitative study




Fathering, Gender, Prison, Incarceration


This study aims to analyze fathering practices and the meanings attributed to it by imprisoned men. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve fathers, incarcerated in a penal institution located in in southern Brazil. Transcribed data were analyzed through the Critical Discourse Analysis. Results are presented according to two themes: Deprivation of freedom X Deprivation of Fatherhood and Criminality X Fatherhood. Our findings indicate that the meanings attributed to fathering practices within deprivation of freedom context rely on different psychosocial factors and the prison context itself. The results presented here demonstrate that paternity in prison is a complex phenomenon and should be a focus of academic problematization. Its relevance is given both in the context of gender studies and in the studies involving the family and different settings.


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How to Cite

Cúnico , S. D. ., Neves Strey , M. ., & Brandelli Costa , Ângelo . (2020). The implication of deprivation of freedom on fathering: a qualitative study. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(1), e-2192.




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