Psychometric Properties of the Family Support Perception Inventory (IPSF)




psychological assessment, emotional states, psychometrics, family relations, self-control


The study sought evidence of validity based on internal structure (CFA) and relationship to external variables for the Family Support Perception Inventory (IPSF) and analyzed the impact of acquiescence. Participants were 234 people, aged between 18 and 68 years (M = 31.66; SD = 11.75). The IPSF, the Baptista Depression Scale - Screening Version (EBADEP-Screening), the Adult Social Support Perception Scale (EPSUS-A) and the Adult Emotional Self-Regulation Scale (EARE-AD) were used. Inverse items were added to the IPSF to check for acquiescence. The results indicated that the bifactor structure fits the data best. Also, acquiescence had an impact on both the fit indices and the factor loadings of the general factor. The IPSF correlations were positive with the EPSUS-A and EARE-AD and negative with the EBADEP-Screening. These results indicate evidence of validity for the IPSF and show that acquiescence control can impact the scores obtained when applying the scale.


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How to Cite

Viana Batista, H. H. ., Pereira Gonçalves, A. ., Celi Pallini, A. ., de Britto Campos, A. M. ., & Nunes Baptista, M. (2021). Psychometric Properties of the Family Support Perception Inventory (IPSF). Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-1976.




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