An analysis of normative perception, and its relation to values and psychosocial well-being




norms, transgression, values, well-being, workers


Several authors agree that transgression in Argentina is a common practice rooted and naturalized. , It arises a model which analyzes the perception of the legal system as a complex organism comprising not only the norms themselves, but the institutions and actors involved in it. The objective of the present study is to analyze, from a psychosocial perspective, the relationship between the perception of the normative system, the well-being and the values ​​of workers of the City of Buenos Aires and the Conurbano Bonaerense. A non-experimental, descriptive-correlational study was designed. The sample is intentional, composed of 148 workers. Descriptive analyzes indicate a poor perception of the normative system, values ​​associated with health, survival and personal stability prevail, and a high level of psychosocial well-being. As a novel finding, relations between the negative perception of the normative system and the rest of the variable were not found.


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How to Cite

Saggese, L., & Beramendi, M. (2019). An analysis of normative perception, and its relation to values and psychosocial well-being. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(2), 333–345.




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