Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale: psychometrics evidences in the Brazilian northeast




loneliness, university students, scale, validity, reliability


The research aimed to adapt the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults (SELSA) to Brazil, gathering evidence of validity and accuracy. Two studies were carried out: in Study 1, 319 university students (Mage= 24.36) answered the SELSA and demographic questions. The exploratory factor analysis results indicated a three-factor structure (Family, Romantic and Social), explaining 70.38% of the total variance, with a Cronbach's alpha (α) ranging from .84 to .92; in Study 2, with 200 university students (Mage= 25.35) who answered the same instruments of the previous study. Confirmatory factorial analysis indicated adequate indicators (CFI = 0.98, TLI = .98, RMSEA = .07, Pclose = .06). Reliability was satisfactory (.77 to .93). It is concluded that the instrument presented good psychometric parameters, being an alternative tool for researchers investigating loneliness and its correlates, proposing new studies with a more representative sample.


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How to Cite

Guimarães Amorim, L. A., Nunes da Fonsêca, P., Marcolino Alves Machado, G., Cardoso Guimarães, C. L., & Nascimento da Silva, P. G. (2019). Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale: psychometrics evidences in the Brazilian northeast. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(2), 283–295.




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