Marital and parental conflict resolution tactics in south-brazilian families




marital relations, marital conflict, family relations, parent-child relations, family violence


The current study aimed at investigating the relationship between marital and parental conflict resolution tactics, as reported by mothers and fathers of families with children aged from 4 to 6 years old. A community-based sample from South Brazil of 300 participants (150 women and 150 men), constituting heterosexual couples, answered the following instruments: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) and Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (CTSPC). Through statistical analysis involving a set of MANOVAS, it was found that the combined parental conflict resolution tactics of Non-Violent Discipline, Psychological Aggression and Corporal Punishment successfully differed the groups of mothers and fathers regarding the practices of Negotiation, Psychological Aggression and Physical Violence in marital relationship. The results refer to the spillover effect, indicating that the tension of the couple’s conflictive interactions overflows to the parental relationship.


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How to Cite

Bolze, S. D. A., Schmidt, B., Bossardi, C. N., Gomes, L. B., Bigras, M., Vieira, M. L., & Crepaldi, M. A. (2019). Marital and parental conflict resolution tactics in south-brazilian families. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(1), 67–81.




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