Sexting in adolescence: perceptions of parents




sexting, adolescence, family, systemic psychology


Sexting is the behavior of producing and sending or receiving sexual content. Research focuses on studying sexing among adolescents, leaving out familiar aspects. In Brazil, such studies are still scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative and descriptive research was to know the perception of parents of adolescents about sexting. There are two focus groups with parents in a public school. After content analysis, the results revealed that the participants were aware of the sexting, but did not know how to deal with the involvement of the children. The biggest concern was with exposure, rather than with engaging in sexting. The importance of family communication is highlighted. It is proposed that interventions be designed to improve communication between family subsystems and research with adolescents to investigate how they understand and deal with the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, A. T., Falcke, D., & Mosmann, C. P. (2019). Sexting in adolescence: perceptions of parents. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(1), 19–31.




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