Scale of problematic internet use in university students: evidence of validity and reliability


  • Patrícia Nunes da Fonsêca Dpto. Psicopedagogia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Brasil
  • Ricardo Neves Couto Dpto. Psicologia Social, Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Brasil
  • Carolina Cândido do Vale Melo Dpto. Neurociência,Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Brasil
  • Mayara de Oliveira Silva Machado Dpto. Psicologia Social, Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Brasil
  • José Farias de Souza Filho Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPE. Brasil



Internet dependence, social networks, university students, psychological tests, psychological assessment


The objective of these two studies was to gather evidence of the validity and precision of the Scale of Problematic Internet Use. In Study 01, 240 university students, with an average age of 22.96 years (SD = 3.45), answered scale and sociodemographic questions. The results of an exploratory factor analysis indicated a one-dimensional structure, explaining 49.01% of the total variance and comprising eight items, with a Cronbach’s alpha of .84. In Study 02, 235 university students, with an average age of 23.95 years (SD = 6.67), responded to the same instruments. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the structure can be confirmed and presents excellent fit indicators: CFI = .99, TLI = .99, RMSEA = .03 (90% CI = .00-.07) and Pclose = .72, in addition to a Cronbach’s alpha of .82. It was concluded that the instrument presents evidence of validity and precision and can be used to gauge the problematic use of the Internet and investigate its relationships to the study population.


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How to Cite

Nunes da Fonsêca, P., Neves Couto, R., Cândido do Vale Melo, C., de Oliveira Silva Machado, M., & Farias de Souza Filho, J. (2018). Scale of problematic internet use in university students: evidence of validity and reliability. Ciencias Psicológicas, 12(2), 223–230.




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