Comprehension of academic expository texts in e-book Reader vs. paper: influence of prior domain knowledge and verbal aptitude


  • Silvia Piovano Departamento de Psicología y Ciencias Pedagógicas, Universidad CAECE. Argentina
  • Natalia Irrazabal Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Palermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina
  • Débora I. Burin Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina



E-book Reader, reading comprehension, expository texts, verbal aptitude, metacognition


In a study involving 102 university students, reading comprehension of printed academic texts versus e-book Reader format was compared. Effects of specific previous domain knowledge and verbal ability were examined. Students’ attitudes towards the e-book Reader before and after the experiment were also investigated. Results suggest that the e-book Reader would benefit more competent readers, and that it could promote greater metacognitive activity in comprehension processes. Also, attitudes towards the e-book Readerchanged after the experience, although self-evaluation judgments showed that the printed format is still preferred.


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How to Cite

Piovano, S., Irrazabal, N., & Burin, D. I. (2018). Comprehension of academic expository texts in e-book Reader vs. paper: influence of prior domain knowledge and verbal aptitude. Ciencias Psicológicas, 12(2), 177–185.




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