
  • María del Luján González Tornaría Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Albertina Guerra Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Sofía Prato Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Patricia Barrera Universidad Católica del Uruguay




family school relationship, howmork, family, education


This communication introduces the fi rst stage of an investigation that focuses on homework and its infl uence on the relationship between families and schools (educational centers). An updated international literature review on the subject is provided. Furthermore, the design of the international investigation (which comprises the present study) is itemized. Finally, authors notify the stage of instrument’s pilot study in Spanish language.


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How to Cite

González Tornaría, M. del L., Guerra, A., Prato, S., & Barrera, P. (2009). HOMEWORK IN THE CONTEXT OF FAMILY-SCHOOL RELATIONSHIPS. Ciencias Psicológicas, 3(2), 219–224. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v3i2.153




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