Conceptual considerations of work passion


  • Solana Salessi Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina.
  • Alicia Omar Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina.
  • Juan Diego Vaamonde Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina.



passion, work, positive organizational psychology, occupational psychology, systematic review


Work passion is defined as a persistent state of desire based on both cognitive and affective appraisals of one´s job. According to Vallerand´s dualistic model there are two types of passion called as harmonious passion and obsessive passion. Given its novelty in the field of organizational psychology, the aim of the present study is to provide a systematic literature review of the work passion construct. Specialized bases were examined obtaining 61 scientific publications corresponding to the period 2003-2017. The analysis of the literature shows that both types of passion are associated with dissimilar results, as well as different contextual and dispositional antecedents. To date, there is only one scale available to measure the construct, which has been adapted to diverse cultural contexts. The article concludes with some suggestions for future research on the subject.



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Forest, J., Mageau, G., Crevier-Braud, L., Bergeron, E., Dubreuil, P., & Lavigne, G. (2012). Harmonious passion as an explanation of the relation between signature strengths’ use and well-being at work: Test of an intervention program. Human Relations, 65(9), 1233-1252. doi: 10.1177/0018726711433134

Forest, J., Mageau, G., Sarrazin, C., & Morin, E. (2011). Work is my passion: The different affective, behavioural, and cognitive consequences of harmonious and obsessive passion toward work. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 28(1), 17-30. doi: 10.1002/cjas.170

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Forest, J., Mageau, G., Crevier-Braud, L., Bergeron, E., Dubreuil, P., & Lavigne, G. (2012). Harmonious passion as an explanation of the relation between signature strengths’ use and well-being at work: Test of an intervention program. Human Relations, 65, 1233-1252. doi: 10.1177/0018726711433134

Forest, J., Mageau, G., Sarrazin, C., & Morin, E. (2011). Work is my passion: The different affective, behavioural, and cognitive consequences of harmonious and obsessive passion toward work. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 28, 17-30. doi: 10.1002/cjas.170

Gonçalves, G., Orgambídez-Ramos, A., Ferrão, C., & Parreira M. (2014). Adaptation and initial validation of the Passion Scale in a Portuguese sample. Psychological Writings, 7,19-27. doi: 10.5231.psy.writ.2014.2503

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Houlfort, N., Philippe, F., Bourdeau, S., & Leduc, C. (May, 2017). A comprehensive understanding of the relationships between passion for work and work–family conflict and the consequences for psychological distress. International Journal of Stress Management [Electronic Version]. doi: 10.1037/str0000068

Houlfort, N. Philippe, F., Vallerand, R., & Ménard, J. (2014). On passion and heavy work investment: Personal and organizational outcomes. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29, 25-45.. doi: 10.1108/JMP-06-2013-0155

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Lavigne, G., Forest, J., & Crevier-Braud, L. (2012). Passion at work and burnout: A two-study test of the mediating role of flow experiences. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, 21, 518-546. doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2011.578390

Lavigne, G., Forest, J., Fernet, C., & Crevier-Braud, L. (2014). Passion at work and workers’ evaluations of job demands and resources: A longitudinal study. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, 255-265. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12209

McAllister, C., Harris, J., Hochwarter, W., Perrewé, P., & Ferris, G. (2016). Got resources? A multi-sample constructive replication of perceived resource availability’s role in work passion: Job outcomes relationships [Electronic Version]. Journal of Business and Psychology. Retrieved from:

Mageau, G., Carpentier, J., & Vallerand, R. (2011). The role of self-esteem contingencies in the distinction between obsessive and harmonious passion. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 720-729. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.798.

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Orgambídez-Ramos, A., Borrego-Alés, Y., & Gonçalves, G. (2014). Passionate workers: A Spanish adaptation of the Passion Scale. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 30, 43-48.doi: 10.1016/j.rpto.2014.06.005.

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Philippe, F., Vallerand, R., Houlfort, N., Lavigne, G., & Donahue, E. (2010). Passion for an activity and quality of interpersonal relationships: The mediating role of emotions. Journal of Personality and Social, 98, 917-932. doi: 10.1037/a0018017

Qadeer, F., Ahmad, A., Hameed, I., & Mahmood, S. (2016). Linking passion to organizational citizenship behaviour and employee performance: The mediating role of work engagement. Pakistan Journal of Commerce & Social Sciences, 10, 316-334.

Robertson, J. & Barling, J. (2013). Greening organizations through leaders’ influence on employees’ pro-environmental behaviours. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 34, 176-194. doi: 10.1002/job.1820

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How to Cite

Salessi, S., Omar, A., & Vaamonde, J. D. (2017). Conceptual considerations of work passion. Ciencias Psicológicas, 11(2), 165–178.

