
  • Elizabeth Álvarez Ramírez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Mirna García Méndez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Sofía Rivera Aragón Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



conflict, guilt, couple, emotion


This study was aimed at validating a scale for assessing guilt in a relationship. The study was conducted in two stages: first, an exploratory analysis—based on 200 subjects—using semantic networks was performed. Guilt-related conceptual categories and indicators were obtained. Based on these findings, a Likert-scale was constructed. On a second stage, the construct validity of the scale was assessed using a sample of 850 participants from Mexico City. The final scale comprises a total of 72 items, distributed in five subscales (meaning, causes, consequences, and revaluation, and effects of guilt), with a Cronbach’s alpha of .929 overall and accounts for 63.13% of the variance. The factorial structure was tested via structural equations; appropriate good of fitness indices were obtained. It can be concluded that this scale is a valid instrument.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Ramírez, E., García Méndez, M., & Rivera Aragón, S. (2014). THE GUILT MEASURING ON RELATIONSHIP. Ciencias Psicológicas, 8(2), 115–128.




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