Review process

Manuscripts are received by the scientific editor and reported to the Associate Editors, who determine the relevance, opportunity or suitability of the article and decides whether to proceed to the peer review phase or to reject it. In the latter case, the author is informed of the decision without any type of return.

Dixit's rejection rate was 51 % in 2023.

Papers submitted to refereed sections that approve the first phase of evaluation are sent to two external reviewers according to the double-blind system, i.e., the author does not know the identity of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors.

The reviewers suggest the publication or not of the article according to the following possibilities: a) Publishable, b) Publishable with suggestions, c) Publishable with modifications, and d) Not publishable.

When an article receives a "Publishable with modifications" review, the Editorial Team oversees that the corrections have been incorporated. When an article receives a "Not publishable" review, the Editorial Team reserves the right to reject the article. In case of substantial differences between two evaluations, the article is sent to a third reviewer.

The anonymous evaluation is delivered to the authors so that they can make the necessary adjustments for the publication of the article. The evaluated aspects are the following: compliance with editorial guidelines; originality of the article and its contributions to the corresponding field of knowledge; internal coherence; clear statement of the main idea and solid foundation of same; conclusions fitting to the purposes intended, as initially stated; adequate handling of wide-ranging pertinent references; correct spelling and syntax. You can access the evaluation form for research articles here.

The judgment is delivered to the authors within a 6-month period, counted from the date the work was received. Also, the Editorial Team reserves the right to define in which volume to publish the articles.