Media and Politics: Bibliographic analysis on mediatization in the theoretical debate of political communication 1979-2017




mediatization, political communication, paper review


The aim of this article is to conduct a bibliographical analysis of the concept of mediatization in the field of political communication. As an alternative explanation to the impact of the media on public opinion, mediatization emphasizes how political and social actors appropriate the game rules of the media. This theory has been developed extensively in Anglo-saxon literature, and this article offers a complete review in Spanish, through the design of five axes that show the theoretical development of the concept from its origins to the present day (1979-2017). From this bibliographical analysis and considering the current context of political communication studies in Latin America, the question arises about the validity of using the concept of mediatization in an isolated way, without integrating it to transmedia logics or the construction of a public agenda shared among diverse actors.


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How to Cite

Ponce, M. (2018). Media and Politics: Bibliographic analysis on mediatization in the theoretical debate of political communication 1979-2017. Dixit, (29), 48–67.



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