The protection of animals by Law: Do animals have rights?




non-human species, human rights, dignity, animal rights, animal welfare, legal status of animals


Can animals be said to have dignity? Can we speak of rights for non-human species? What impact does this theory have in Uruguay and the world? What legal implications could the recognition of these types of theories have? This research aims to answer these questions, in order to assert the concept of human rights solely attributable to individuals of the human species, but not in contradiction with the need to provide protection to other species. This article studies the legal status of animals, how protection of non-human species is provided in comparative law and Uruguayan law, and what pending challenges and issues that require attention from competent authorities are.


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How to Cite

Maruri Armand-Ugon, S., & Montero Susalla, A. (2023). The protection of animals by Law: Do animals have rights?. Revista De Derecho, (27), e2925.

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