Cultural narratives during EFL/ESL lessons: an epistemological perspective for intercultural projects




Cultures are present in everything we do; cultural contacts are constant and different cultural aspects arise during English as a foreign or second language lessons (EFL/ESL). As intercultural activities and projects are common during these lessons, and issues concerning how we perceive cultures emerge in discourses that take place in them, philosophical-based research to analyse which epistemological approaches may offer valid, realistic, and humanistic interpretations of cultures was carried out. As different notions of culture exist, the ones considered within liberal democracies were studied and Seyla Benhabib’s (2002) notion of cultural narratives became the focus of the analysis. It was concluded that although a perspective based on cultural narratives cannot be considered the only valid one, it is suitable for EFL/ESL lessons as it is an open view which considers both individual and social aspects, while questioning stereotyped visions. The article provides examples on how an approach based on cultural narratives may provide theoretical support for the implementation of intercultural projects.


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How to Cite

Carabelli, P. (2022). Cultural narratives during EFL/ESL lessons: an epistemological perspective for intercultural projects. Páginas De Educación, 15(2), 128–137.