Work engagement: a study of daily changes




role ambiguity, task complexity, decision-making, work engagement, role performance


This research aimed to verify the daily intraindividual and interindividualvariations of work engagement and to investigate the predictors of this phenomenon and of the role performance at work, as well as the mediating role of engagement in the relationship between these predictors and performance. The sample consisted of 116 workers of both sexes (71.9% female). Through multilevel modelling, it could be identified that role ambiguity constituted a significant and negative predictor of engagement and performance, while participation in decision-making was characterized as a positive predictive variable of both constructs. The task complexity, in turn, proved to be a negative predictor of performance. Contrary to expectations, engagement did not show intra-individual variations. Brazilian organizations can benefit from these findings and seek to intervene in the work context.


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How to Cite

Chinelato, R. S. de C., Ferreira, M. C., & Valentini, F. (2019). Work engagement: a study of daily changes. Ciencias Psicológicas, 13(1), 3–18.

