
  • Natalia Colino Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Pablo Pérez Universidad Católica del Uruguay




burnout syndrome, teachers, type A personality, life events, turnover intention


This article examines the incidence of the burnout syndrome among Uruguayan teachers. A sample of 279 secondary school teachers, who work in public schools in Montevideo, completed questionnaires about: burnout syndrome, personality, life events, areas of working life, turnover intentions and sociodemographic data. The results show that 4.2% of the teachers surveyed had elevated levels of burnout syndrome and 42% obtained high values in at least one dimension of the syndrome. The characteristics displayed by the educators who scored higher on the scale of burnout syndrome are the following: the female gender, high number of weekly hours of work, little seniority in the profession, lack of educational training and work in up to two schools. The job-person fit, the type A behavior, stressful life events and turnover intentions correlated significantly with burnout syndrome.


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How to Cite

Colino, N., & Pérez, P. (2015). BURNOUT SYNDROME IN A GROUP OF SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN MONTEVIDEO. Ciencias Psicológicas, 9(1), 27–41. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v9i1.163




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