Preliminary study of the comparative profile of financial control in university young people


  • Jorge Palacios Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del Valle de México.
  • Leonardo Soler Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.



economics psychology, locus of control, personal finance, youths, psychological assessment


The objective of the present research was to obtain evidences of validity and reliability of the scale of locus of financial control, obtaining differences in structural variables. The study involved 300 university students, 110 men and 190 women, between 18 and 59 years old (M = 21.74; SD = 6.7) from the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City. The locus of control was assessed with items that reflect that obtaining money is contingent on its actions. The results show the psychometric properties of an instrument that incorporates three factors related to the locus of control: internal, affective and external. Additionally, the findings suggest that university students have a higher level of internal and affiliative financial locus of control, differentiated by sex, type of career and level of work efficiency. The discussion analyzes the utility of the results within the Mexican socioculture, that having money is attributed to affective causes, external sources, as well as the decision to own money, which has implications when seeking new income and the contingencies to have it.



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How to Cite

Palacios, J., & Soler, L. (2017). Preliminary study of the comparative profile of financial control in university young people. Ciencias Psicológicas, 11(2), 201–212.




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