“Another Machine Beats Man”: Treatment of Artificial Intelligence in Argentine Digital Press





artificial intelligence, digital media, content analysis, media coverage, technology appropriation


This paper presents the results of a content analysis of articles published in five Argentine generalist digital media outlets that discuss Artificial Intelligence, robotization, and process automation. The corpus underwent a data mining approach, and a representative sample was then selected for content analysis based on variables such as the area of news impact (health, education, government, etc.), geographical origin, sources, and the appeal to fears or expectations. The main findings focus on the similarity of approaches among the five media outlets, which otherwise have very different editorial stances regarding the broader public discussion agenda. The analysis reveals a predominantly favorable or positive approach to these innovations, a business bias in the sources used, and a prevalence of the comfort-obsolescence axis as the referenced expectations and fears.


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How to Cite

Sandoval, L. R. (2024). “Another Machine Beats Man”: Treatment of Artificial Intelligence in Argentine Digital Press. Dixit, 38, e3763. https://doi.org/10.22235/d.v38.3763



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