Confusion of subjects and objects in the field of digital images




communication theory, representation, expression, digital image, simulation


The aim of this article is to analyze how digital technologies imply the confusion of subjects and objects in the field of images. It starts from the distinction made by Lucien Sfez between representative and expressive communication, and how there is a tendency towards their confusion in a form that the author called "tautism". The thesis argued is that this tautism —a concept which we consider problematic— is currently a con-fusion of subjects and objects in the field of digital images. Thus, images are considered as third parties that mediate between subjects and objects, generating continuity between them, but without confusing them. Subsequently, expanded cinema, 3D scanning, synthetic images, and the discrete architecture of digital images themselves are analyzed and gathered under the notion of simulation. It is concluded that no image can exist on its own without its connection to subjects and objects, although the digital image tends to conceal it.


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How to Cite

Duarte, E. I. (2024). Confusion of subjects and objects in the field of digital images. Dixit, 38, e3105.



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