Photography by Erika Bernhardt


  • Erika Bernhardt Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes



«A landscape between natural and artificial in the entrance hall. The coldness of marble and the warmth of green. The illuminated house behind the hydrangeas in the darkness of the night. A possible waterfall in a baroque scene. The sheets as an horizon, the water, a twisting profile, reaching the light, the soft and subtle, the raw. Nothing is given, everything could be, the image does not contain everything. The limits between the real and the fictitious are sought after, desired and transformed spaces.

There is an illusory search for the timeless and the beauty of strangeness, which finds its way between spaces, places and people, between the duality of the fictional and the real, between familiar and strange sensations. The soft boundary in identifying the one and the other. The search is the shape of the landscape».

The photographs —taken between 2014 and 2016, between Madrid and Montevideo— belong to an individual project by the author, entitled Schinus molle, and are part of the collective exhibition Pretexto, inaugurated on March 16, 2018, at the Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo (CDF). Schinus molle also materialized in a book, which received a special mention for its layout, from the jury in the 2017 Call to Editions CDF, in the Latin American Photobook category. As its author defines it, the work proposes the state of transit and travel in relation to nature, to the other and to the image.


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How to Cite

Bernhardt, E. (2018). Photography by Erika Bernhardt. Dixit, (28), 104–109.



Obra en comunicación | Fotografía