Reflecting on the rights of the personality from the perspective of the right to own image.


  • María José Arancibia Obrador Universidad Alberto Hurtado y Universidad Gabriela Mistral Universidad de Chile



private law, rights of personality, self-image, Chile


Abstract. Constantly, law is in a process of transformation. Its institutions must be adapted
in light of social changes and new trends. Within this context, it has strongly emerged a new paradigm into Private Law, which modifies its object of protection, from one focused
on patrimonial issues towards another one based on the moral sphere of person:according to this new way of understanding, the individual, conceived as a moral agent rather than as a merely subject capable to take part in legal transactions, is now the cornerstone of the concern of Private Law.
An important consequence of the above is the protection that the Law has begun to
provide to the rights of personality – a technical expression allowing to encompass within
Private Law context those interests protected by the Constitutional Law through the figure
of the fundamental rights – which form part of a broader phenomenon, namely the
“constitutionalization of private law”.
Precisely, this evolution lived by our Private Law is well reflected on the notion that has
been developed for the “right to self-image” and its respective evolution, to which some
authors add their gradual autonomy, based on a purposive reinterpretation of fundamental
rights, in line with the objectives of protection of human beings which are supposed by its recognition, and in a progressive interpretation of the instruments useful for its recognition.


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Author Biography

María José Arancibia Obrador, Universidad Alberto Hurtado y Universidad Gabriela Mistral Universidad de Chile

Abogada. Profesora invitada Universidad Alberto Hurtado y Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Chile. Magister © en Derecho Privado, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales Universidad de Chile. 


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How to Cite

Arancibia Obrador, M. J. (2016). Reflecting on the rights of the personality from the perspective of the right to own image. Revista De Derecho, (9), 55–80.




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