
  • Andrés Fernando López Pell Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
  • Juan Manuel Rondón Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
  • Silvina M. Alfano Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
  • Cecilia Cellerino Universidad Católica de Santa Fe



positive affectivity, negative affectivity, cognitive schemas


This study aimed to establish the correlations between maladaptive cognitive schemas proposed by Jeffrey Young and positive and negative affectivity. Correlational research was conducted on a sample of 400 people. As a result of the investigation, we obtained four maladaptive cognitive schemas predictors of positive affect for women and three for men; and four schemes predictors of negative affectivity for women and two for men.


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How to Cite

López Pell, A. F., Rondón, J. M., Alfano, S. M., & Cellerino, C. (2012). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EARLY MALADAPTATIVE SCHEMAS AND POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE AFFECTIVITY. Ciencias Psicológicas, 6(1), 149–173.




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