Stress, psychological distress, psychological well-being and life satisfaction according to work modalities in mothers of families




stress, psychological distress, psychological well-being, life satisfaction, work modality


The purpose of the research was to compare stress, psychological distress, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction according to work patterns in mothers. A descriptive and comparative study was carried out, with a non-experimental design, quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The participants were 436 Ecuadorian mothers, divided into three groups: face-to-face work, telework, and unpaid work. The ANOVA statistical analysis indicated significant differences in the variables of psychological distress (F = 4.67; p < .01), psychological well-being (F = 7.64; p < .001), and life satisfaction (F = 8.69; p < .001), with unpaid work group showing higher levels of psychological distress and lower levels of well-being and satisfaction, and teleworking with better scores in well-being and satisfaction and low levels of psychological distress. Differences in stress were found between the groups (= 5.13; p = .02) when the covariate educational follow-up through ANCOVA is analyzed. The unpaid work group presented higher levels of stress as the hours of educational follow-up increased. It is concluded that work mode is related to psychological distress, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction. Stress levels increase as a function of modality and when more hours of educational follow-up are allocated.


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How to Cite

Valle Pico, M. I., & Larzabal Fernández, A. (2022). Stress, psychological distress, psychological well-being and life satisfaction according to work modalities in mothers of families. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(2), e-2794.




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