Construction and validation of a Scale of Community Resilience Facing Natural Hazards




instrument validation, instrument construction, community resilience, risk management, natural hazards


Background: The effects caused by natural phenomena have been increasing, aggravating the vulnerability of exposed populations. It is necessary to measure the resilience capacity of the community to face this type of adverse situations. The objective of the study was the construction and validation of a self-report scale of community resilience. Method: The items were based on the proposal of Twigg (2007) and Suárez-Ojeda (2001). The AIKEN V and semi-confirmatory analysis (McDonald, 2005) were used to validate the instrument. There was a sample of 290 participants with an age range of 18 to 78 years, from the municipalities of Jojutla and Yautepec in the State of Morelos (Mexico). Results: A final unidimensional scale made up of 16 items was obtained, internal consistency Ω = .924. Conclusions: This scale can be useful for those working in integrated disaster risk management.


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How to Cite

Suárez Ramos, V., López Vázquez, E., & Merino Soto, C. (2022). Construction and validation of a Scale of Community Resilience Facing Natural Hazards. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(2), e-2723.

