School engagement in students from a Mapuche intercultural high school: a qualitative study




School Engagement, Intercultural Education, Mapuche Students


Several international studies show math learning difficulties for indigenous students. These difficulties have also been seen in the context of Chilean Mapuche intercultural education. This could be related to a lack of school engagement. This study seeks to describe school engagement in Mapuche students. A qualitative study based on phenomenology and ethnography was carried out, which included interviews and class observations of two school subjects: beyentun (Mapuche worldview and spirituality), and mathematics. 10 students from a public school located in the Biobío Region, in Chile, took part in the study. They were in the first two years of high school. The resulting data was analyzed using content analysis. The results show high levels of engagement. However, there are differences between the subjects: students have higher levels of emotional engagement in the beyentun class and higher levels of cognitive engagement in mathematics. Additionally, the results suggest that beyentun classes strongly promote belonging and autonomy needs, while mathematics focuses on competence. These findings are discussed regarding school engagement and intercultural education.


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How to Cite

Aranda López, S. ., Larrañaga Hetz, I. ., López Maldonado, E., Zappetini Sanhueza, C., Hernández Vejar, F. ., & Olivares, H. (2022). School engagement in students from a Mapuche intercultural high school: a qualitative study. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(1), e-2514.

