Preliminary study of the psychometric properties of the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale in a sample of Uruguayan adolescents




positive psychological functioning, factor analysis, psychometric properties


The objective of this paper was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Positive Psychological Functioning scale (PPF) in Uruguayan adolescents. The scale is composed of 33 items that measure 11 psychological resources. The PPF constitutes a second-order construct of eudaimonic well-being. An instrumental study was carried out using a convenience sample made up of 183 adolescents (ages 12 through 17) from the general population. The results of the factor analysis carried out had a seven-dimensional structure: self-esteem, autonomy, purpose in life, optimism/enjoyment, curiosity, sense of humor, and environmental mastery (RMSEA = .09, CFI = .99, TLI = .97), and adequate reliability values. The factorial solution organized into seven factors explains 62.15% of the variance. These results coincide with the only published study for an adolescent population, which differs from the original and subsequent studies given that these analyzed samples from university students.


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How to Cite

Portela, M. . (2021). Preliminary study of the psychometric properties of the Positive Psychological Functioning Scale in a sample of Uruguayan adolescents. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-2396.




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