The marital relationship from the perspective of couples




marital relations, marriage, marital quality, individuality, context


Marital relationships have been widely investigated. However, there is little clarity about the definition, theoretical contextualization, and the comprehensiveness of the concept of marital quality. Thus, this study aimed to clarify the marital quality construct by proposing dimensions that elucidate an intersection of themes related to the individual, the context, and the adaptive processes, from the perspective of couples. Eight couples answered a semi-structured interview on their marital relationship, which was examined through a thematic analysis. Twenty-one themes were identified, divided into four thematic axes based on the model: individual, context, adaptive processes, and marital quality. Adaptive processes played a central role, as the relationships between the individual and the context axes with the marital quality axis permeate these processes. The importance of adaptive processes in couple interventions is emphasized and further investigation of the adopted model in Brazil is recommended.


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How to Cite

Zanella Delatorre, M. ., & Wagner, A. . (2021). The marital relationship from the perspective of couples. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-2355.




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