Attention and visuospatial reasoning in high-performance volleyball players




attention, assessment, visuospatial reasoning, sports performance


The present study aims at analyzing the relationship of attention and visuospatial reasoning to sports performance in the volleyball context. Participants were 159 high-level volleyball athletes of both sexes, with an average age of 21.60 years (SD= 4.11). Participants completed the Psychological Battery of Attention Assessment (BPA), the Visual Selective Attention Scale and the Cubes test, which were applied collectively. The sports performance was assessed using the DataVolley program. Results indicated that athletes scored above average on all tests when compared to available normative data. BPA scores and sports performance were correlated among adolescents, and Cubes test and sports performance were correlated among children. Overall and across sport categories, test scores (BPA, EASV and Cubes) did not associate with sports performance.


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How to Cite

Prado Serenini , A. L., M. Rueda , F. J. ., & Arroyo Moreno , M. P. . (2021). Attention and visuospatial reasoning in high-performance volleyball players. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-2348.




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