Experiences of families with autistic children: an integrative literature review
Autism, ASD, family, family relationships, resilienceAbstract
An integrative review of the national and international scientific literature on autism and families analyzed 91 published articles between 2013 and 2020. There was a prevalence of international, empirical, and quantitative articles on caregivers, with an emphasis on experiences that lead to higher levels of stress, depression and overload of work in the family. The content analysis of the articles showed four categories: experiences, challenges and maintenance of family relationships (n= 38); resources and strategies to face these challenges (n= 29); fraternal subsystem (n= 10); and social support network (n= 14). The results are valid for research and studies focused on families with autistic children from little studied perspectives that include positive and strengthening aspects in the face of the adversities experienced.
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