Factor validity with robust estimation of the Scale of Perceived Self-efficacy Specific to Academic Situations (Eapesa) in Ecuadorian university students





Self-efficacy, schooling, factor analysis, reliability


Objective: To confirm the unifactorial structure of the Scale of Specific Perceived Self-Efficacy of Academic Situations (Eapesa, by its acronym in Spanish), its reliability and validity in relation to other variables in Ecuadorian university students. Methodology: Eapesa's convergence validity, reliability and factorial instrumental study. Participants: 466 university students from Ecuador, 35.2% men and 64.8% women, aged between 17 to 39 years (M= 21.27; SD= 2.9). Results: Eapesa's unifactorial model is confirmed with 7 items that presents an adequate adjustment: χ2= 40.01; p< .05; gl= 14; χ2/gl= 2.9; CFI= .966; TLI= .950; SRMR= .034; RMSEA= .063 IC95% [.050 - .076] above the versions of 10 and 9 items. A high reliability of ω= .92 [.90 - .94] and moderate convergence of r= .685; p< .01. Conclusions: The 7-item Eapesa is the version with the best psychometric performance for its applicability in university students in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Moreta-Herrera, R., Montes de Oca, C., Navarro Cuéllar, L., & Villegas Villacrés, N. (2021). Factor validity with robust estimation of the Scale of Perceived Self-efficacy Specific to Academic Situations (Eapesa) in Ecuadorian university students. Ciencias Psicológicas, 15(1), e-2153. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v15i1.2153




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