Dystopia is already here: State surveillance, from Orwell to Snowden and the “Guardián” system
Snowden, Orwell, Surveillance, Security, PrivacyAbstract
The starting point of this work is an appointment to the novel 1984 by George Orwell in which two cross retake the same, for the purposes of monitoring side of the modern state, and secondly the development of communication technologies ultimately used by the State in its primary task of surveillance. From a comparative method in the above issues and taking into account the continuities and changes, an anchor our time is done through the revelations of Edward J. Snowden in the year 2013, on procedures for electronic surveillance global being conducted by the NSA (National Security Agency of the Government of the United States for its acronym in English) Then proceed to an inclusion of these topics in Uruguayan key from the public debate generated by the purchase by the Software Interior Ministry called the Guardian. Finally some implications for democracy are arising from the asymmetries between on the one hand the state and large corporations collecting data, and on the other ordinary citizens.Downloads
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