Technological Appropriations: How to imagine a different technodigital world? Review of the book Acerca de la apropiación de tecnologías: teoría, estudios y debates [About technology appropriation: theory, studies and debates]




The perspective of the appropriation of technologies (ICT) has developed in recent years and supports the idea of appropriation as a relevant observation space to understand relations and types of links established with digital technologies in the field of interaction and information, especially from the individual, group, institutional and community points of view. The book Acerca de la apropiación de tecnologías: teoría, estudios y debates (Lago Martínez, Álvarez, Gendler y Méndez, 2018) presents a fine-tuning of the progress and state of the discussion on this development. It should be noted, although it may not be an unknown fact for those who approach this book, that several of the authors have a recognized production and an important accumulation of knowledge on these issues. 


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Geli, C. (7 de febrero de 2018). Byung-Chul Han “Ahora uno se explota a sí mismo y cree que está realizándose”. El País. Recuperado de

Lago Martínez, S., Álvarez, A., Gendler, M., y Méndez, A. (Coords.). (2018). Acerca de la apropiación de tecnologías: teoría, estudios y debates. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones del Gato Gris.

Martín-Barbero, J. (2002). Tecnicidades, identidades, alteridades: desubicaciones y opacidades de la comunicación en el nuevo siglo. Diálogos de la comunicación, 64, 8-23.

Ricoeur, P. (1989). Ideología y utopía. Barcelona, España: Gedisa.



How to Cite

Olivera, M. N. (2019). Technological Appropriations: How to imagine a different technodigital world? Review of the book Acerca de la apropiación de tecnologías: teoría, estudios y debates [About technology appropriation: theory, studies and debates]. Dixit, (30), 108–111.


