Deveres Fundamentais de Solidariedade
deveres fundamentais, dignidade humana, bem estar social, deveres fundamentais de solidariedadeResumo
Fundamental duties are set as a theme often overlooked by the doctrine and the jurisprudence, especially when compared to all the attention devoted to fundamental rights. However, this fact does not diminish their value relevance for society, since they are instruments for guaranteeing the means indispensable not only for the realization of fundamental rights, but also for the achievement of social welfare. The fundamental duties of solidarity, in turn, represent those that contain a greater degree of empathy, so that they are executed with the intention of collaborating with those social groups that are in any way disadvantaged. Collective cooperation, in a complementary way to the State's performance, is substantial in the search for the reduction of the social differences inherent to a community, as a way of delivering to the less privileged the indispensable mechanisms for a life with dignity.
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