Nationality and immigration in Uruguay. A normopolítico study.


  • Pablo Sandonato de León Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU) Universidad de Montevideo (UM)



Abstract. The study consists of an analysis of the national regulations in terms of nationality,
citizenship and foreignness at the constitutional, legal and regulatory levels, based on a triple vision: historical, legislative-political and legal. This article gives an answer to the several legislative changes regarding this issue carried out during the last century. 
For this reason, it analyzes the different regulations in their corresponding hierarchy and time. The study comprises three parts preceded by an introduction. The first part refers to nationality and citizenship (the different types and ways of acquiring the same, loss and suspension). It offers an overview of the national doctrine with respect to the issue, and its relation with the applicable regulations and principles of international law. The second part, regarding foreignness, considers the historical regimes of the 19th and 20th centuries, with respect to the entry and non admission of foreigners. The third part is aimed at the current immigration system (Act no 18250) and it considers the regulation from the formal and material point of view (general principles, application framework, rights and obligations of foreigners, immigration categories, entry, exit and expulsion, competent organizations in terms of immigration and their functions, as well as immigration offences). The third part sets out the final considerations.


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Author Biography

Pablo Sandonato de León, Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU) Universidad de Montevideo (UM)

Profesor Asistente de Derecho Internacional Público en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga y en la Facultad de Derecho
de la Universidad de Montevideo. Responsable de proyecto Relaciones Internacionales y Extensión de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional. 





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How to Cite

Sandonato de León, P. (2016). Nationality and immigration in Uruguay. A normopolítico study. Revista De Derecho, (3), 175–243.


