From Norm to Object Status: expression and designation


  • Marcus Paulo Rycembel Boeira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



norm, proposition, statement, expression, designation, logic


The present article has the central scope to present an analytical investigation of the logical and linguistic aspects of the legal norm. Behind the normative statements, a semantic horizon opens, from which we extract normative propositions. Such modalities of propositions perform specific, constitutive and conditional logical-veritative functions for theorems and axioms that are part of the standard deontic logic. From this, the designative object of norms stands out, namely, the object status, the order field designated by the reading of the utterance and its corresponding descriptive-propositional aptitude. The aim is to provide an overview of the logical and linguistic connections of legal norms as sources of normative propositions, presenting a mechanism of connection between the expressive language of legal norms and the designative language of social order.


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How to Cite

Rycembel Boeira, M. P. (2018). From Norm to Object Status: expression and designation. Revista De Derecho, (19), 103–141.