Ketogenic Diet, Formulated Food, Lactating, Infants.Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to develop of a ketogenic food formulated for infants and children up to 36 months of age requiring a Ketogenic Diet. The proposed specific objectives
were, firstly, to cover the energy and protein requirements for children under 6 months of age requiring this diet. Secondly, to design the formula so that it can be used in different proportions, according to the need of each patient. Thirdly, to ensure that the formula is accessible from the socio-economic point of view. The methodology used was to conduct a literature research on this topic considering different sources: written literature, virtual libraries and academic websites. The Bromatological National Regulations were taken into account, interviews with several persons involved were conducted, and also a survey of
similar products was carried out together with the study of their nutritional composition. The new product is designed based on three modules (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) one for each macronutrient, that combined generate the right ketogenic ratio and allow to correctly calculate the energy-protein needs of the target population. The micronutrient will be supplied separately according to the age requirement, as is common practice in the implementation of this diet. The proposed formula was designed to be produced locally because their ingredients are available domestically and their costs are accessible.
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