Perceptions of a group of nursing graduates in the second level of attention to regulating the exercise of discipline and its relationship to professional autonomy
Objective: To determine the perceptions of nursing graduates to perform functions on the second level of attention to regulating the exercise of discipline and its relationship to professional autonomy, public and private institutions of Montevideo. Methodology: The methodology used was qualitative. The study subjects were 11 second-level professional nursing care health provider institutions, which were chosen based on years of practice and the level of care where they played, and in this way achieve the best data. The guiding questions
were: Do you know if existing legislation is a law regulating professional performance? What importance do you give? Regarding the management of patient care: In what ways you consider yourself a freelancer? What over the years you
meet your expectations? Do you feel able to apply their education in practice?
Results and Analysis: From the interviews were built 5 categories: Relevance, Significance, Determinants, Independence, Satisfaction, Relationship training - exercise. The analysis of each of these can set starting points for further work to raise, and the importance of the existence of a regulatory framework, elements that influence the graduates’ professional autonomy, independence and sense of job satisfaction, importance of the relationship between training and practice.
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