
  • Ana Claudia Stein
  • Augusto Ferreira



Pregnancy, Control, Health Centers, Referral and Consultation, Montevideo.


The purpose of this research was to spotthemain difficulties of accessibility due to which a group of pregnant two mendid not takes the early pregnancy check-up. Explanatory cross-sectional design and quantitative approach. Eighty women who were at the gyneco-obstetric waiting room from December 2010to March 2011,
were interview wed through a questionnaire including the following questions: day they programmed the appointment, and day they assisted to it;gestational age the first time they took a check-up;patient ´sown difficulties and the ones presented
by the health centre. To analyze this data, patients were divided in two groups: the ones who took the check-up before the 12 th week of pregnancy and the ones who took it after the 12thweek. This study showed that here are problem pregnant
the women attend their first check-up later than they are supposed to. In some cases, these inconveniences were due to the women so won difficulties, and in other cases these problems were due to the health centre. This study showed
that the main cause of this lack of control was due to obstacles in attaining an appointment.


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How to Cite

Stein, A. C., & Ferreira, A. (2016). ACCESSIBILITY TO THE FIRST PREGNANCY CONTROL IN A HEALTH CENTRE IN MONTEVIDEO. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 1(1), 11–19.