
  • Myrna Benítez
  • Elen Rodríguez Asociación Española




Nursing. Burnout's syndrome. Emotional exhaustion. Depersonalize. Personal achievement. Intensive Care Unit.


The aim of this research was to learn about the prevalence of the Burnout'Syndrome and the levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalize and personal achievement in the nursing staff of an Intensive Care Unit in a
public Hospital in Montevideo. A quantitative, descriptive and transverse investigation was carried out in a sample taken by convenience to a whole of 69 employees of the the nursing staff (Graduates and Assistants). A self-managed questionaire was used to distinguish the population and the Maslach Burnout Inventory instrument personal achievement. The results showed an average of 24% of Burnout's Syndrome prevalence in the inquired population. The
emotional exhaustion level was high in an average of 33% of the inquired staff, medium in the 32%, and low in the 31% of them. The depersonalize showed low levels in the majority of the inquired population, shown by the 47% of them. The majority of the staff showed a high level of low personal achievement. These results only get us closer to get in touch wiht the problem and they evidence the need to study this topic deeply, not only from quantitative methodoligy but also
from the qualitative one to get some knowledge that helps us to create strategies to face this problem.


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How to Cite

Benítez, M., & Rodríguez, E. (2015). BURNOUT’S SYNDROME IN THE NURSING STAFF OF INTENSIVE CARE IN A HOSPITAL OF MONTEVIDEO CITY. Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados, 3(1), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.22235/ech.v3i1.628