Controlled vocabulary, Semantics, Classification, Nursing.Abstract
The goal of article is to establish the factors that are related to the process and the clinical terminology used in Nursing schools in Chile in 2014. Our method was an analytical correlational study with a universe of 3000 nurses, convenience
sample of 186 nurses at the College of Nurses of Chile, who consented to participate in online survey, validated. The results were: 79% female between 23 and 60 years, with 9 years of work performance on average; 66% worked in close attention; 60% met clinical role with an average of 18 patients in hospital
and 20 patients in box. 40% received education on clinical process and terminology; 59.8% reported using the Nursing Process and 39% use international NANDA (I and II). 41.7% declared knowing NANDA but not using it. Similar percentages were observed in NIC and NOC where 41% and 43% knew but did not use it. Among the causes of non-use not having a standardized
record (70.7%), work overload (36.2%), lack of time (25.9%) and lack of interest from directives. It was observed in this group a significant weak positive Pearson r correlation between the use of the process and having a standardized record (p.0008). The nurses studied have a low frequency use of the nursing process and terminology associated with factors such as lack of standardized record and work overload. It is necessary to update taxonomies, classifications, and standardization of medical records.
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