Social Representations of Women in the Pregnancy-Puerperal Cycle on Obstetric Violence
pregnancy, postpartum period, obstetric violence, health care, nursingAbstract
Objectives: To trace the biopsychosocial characteristics of women in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and to analyze the social representations of these women on obstetric violence. Methodology: Descriptive study, qualitative approach, guided by the Theory of Social Representations conducted in the period from September 2021 to April 2022, with 40 women assisted in a maternity hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The data was collected through a script of semi-structured interview and the technique of free association of words. The characterization was analyzed by simple descriptive statistics, the semi-structured interview by the thematic content technique proposed by Bardin and the free word association technique by Iramuteq software. Results: 82.5 % of the participants had a range of 18 and 29 years, 77.5% self-identified as pardas (mixed race), 25 % had completed high school and 65 % reported income from 1 to 3 minimum wages. Regarding obstetric history, 52,0% had gestational age between 37 and 41 weeks, 70.0% had not planned pregnancy, 42.5% had been admitted for labor and 87.5% were monitored. Obstetric violence is represented by women in a superficial way with a focus on the physical and emotional dimension, being in some moments naturalized. Conclusion: Obstetric violence is a serious problem experienced by the female public and the lack of knowledge can lead to naturalization, leaving them in a position of broad vulnerability.
Keywords: Pregnancy; Postpartum period; Obstetric violence; Health care; Nursing.
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