Interrelations in the care with medicinal plants – “it comes from the cradle”
Medicinal Plants, Community Networks, Medicine TraditionalAbstract
This study aims at describing the interrelations of people who carry out the health care with medicinal plants. It is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and ethnobotany research which used the Systemic Theory as theoretical reference. Six people were interviewed as reference in the health care with medicinal plants in the first semester of 2018. The data were organized through the WebQDA qualitative data analysis program and it was carried out the Bardin content analysis. Results related to the origin of knowledge about care with medicinal plants are presented and also about the social interrelation as a form of transmission of knowledge. Knowledge is acquired in the family, through courses or, it is understood as a gift. The informers transmit their knowledge in different social contexts according to the disposition of their interrelations. It is concluded that different individual, social and environmental interrelations originate different forms of health care with medicinal plants and their knowledge associated.
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