Qualitative Research, Qualitative Analysis, Qualitative Writing, Educational ResearchAbstract
This paper explores the tensions in qualitative research and education. With this objective, it offers a brief introduction to qualitative research in education, a vision of the historical link of these two fields of study, to lead to a reflection between the thematic and the methodological when we talk about qualitative methodologies in education. Under that approach, the text focuses on the tensions that appear in the formulation of a proposal, development, writing and publication of a qualitative research in education. The tensions in the proposal are concentrated in the formats of formulation and presentation of research projects when we construct the object of study from a qualitative perspective. In the development of the research, time appears as a central concern from various points of view, as well as the tension between the order of analysis and the order of presentation. The writing is approached from the tension between the option for an argumentative text and a narrative text. Finally, the tensions in the publication focus on sending manuscripts to thematic journals or journals specialized in methodology. The tensions in each of these moments of qualitative research in education are explored from the point of view of their possibilities.
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