
  • Pilar Amezaga Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Mario Saiz Universidad Católica del Uruguay




Personality Type, MBTI, Depressive Disorders, Depressive Personality, Analytical Psychology


This study has as main objective to investigate Jungian typology from the results of the Briggs-Myers Typology Inventory Form G, (1995) in a sample of patients with Depressive Disorder, analyzing in turn, relations with Depressive Personality and different Clinical Patterns of Personality. Starting with a sample of 82 patients with clinical diagnosis of Depressive Disorder, we studied first the typological pattern and its behavior in relation to depression. Second, the Relationship between typology and the different Clinical Patterns of Personality and third, we compared the typology of patients with and without Depressive Personality. Results show that patients with Depressive Disorder (BDI-I, 1979) and in most Clinical Patterns of Personality (MCMI-III,2007) have a clear preference for Introversion over Extroversion and for Sensation over Intuition. As severity of Depression increases, the preference for Introversion also increases.


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How to Cite

Amezaga, P., & Saiz, M. (2015). TIPOLOGY AND DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS. Ciencias Psicológicas, 9(Espec), 141–152. https://doi.org/10.22235/cp.v9iEspec.438




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