Validation of a model of positive and negative personality traits as predictors of psychological well-being using machine learning algorithms




positive traits, negative traits, personality, psychological well-being, algorithms


The objective of the study was to verify a predictive model of positive and negative personality traits taking psychological well-being as a criterion through the implementation of machine learning algorithms. 2038 adult subjects (51.9 % women) participated. For data collection were used: Big Five Inventory and Mental Health Continuum-Short Form. In addition, to assess the positive and negative personality traits, the already validated items of the positive (HFM) and negative trait models (BAM), were used jointly. Based on the findings found, it was possible to verify that the predictive efficacy of the tested model of positive and negative traits, derived from a lexical approach, was superior to the predictive capacity of normal personality traits for the prediction of well-being.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Castro Solano, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad de Palermo; Conicet

Doctor en Psicología. Investigador Principal del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina). Profesor Adjunto Regular de la Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Director del Doctorado de la Universidad de Palermo. Dirección: Mario Bravo 1259 (C1175ABW), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Teléfono: +54 11 51994500 (int. 1311). e-mail: ORCID ID:

Micaela Ailén Caporiccio Trillo , Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Psicología, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becaria Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN). Av. Independencia 3065, CABA, Argentina. e-mail:

Alejandro César Cosentino, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad de Palermo

Doctor en Psicología. Profesor e Investigador, Universidad de Palermo y Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. e-mail:  ORCID ID:


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How to Cite

Castro Solano, A., Lupano Perugini, M. L., Caporiccio Trillo , M. A., & Cosentino, A. C. (2024). Validation of a model of positive and negative personality traits as predictors of psychological well-being using machine learning algorithms. Ciencias Psicológicas, 18(1), e-3286.

