Adaptation and evidence of validity of the Traumatic Grief Inventory for Brazil




death, psychological assessment, mental health, Grief, psychometric properties, factorial analysis


The aim of the this study was to verify the evidence of validity of the reduced version adapted for Brazilian Portuguese of the Traumatic Grief Inventory, through confirmatory factor analysis and relationship with external variables, in addition to assessing the reliability and presence of invariance. The first step consisted of the adaptation and evaluation by expert judges of the translated version. After the evaluation, the pilot version was answered by five participants of the target population, for semantic and content evaluation, being named, in Brazil, as the Inventário de Luto Traumático (ILT-BR). Then, 211 Brazilians, who went through a grieving process, answered the following instruments: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Mental Health Self-Perception Questionnaire, and ILT-BR. The ILT-BR presented good fit indexes and reliability, positively correlated with stress, fear, and obsessive thoughts, with no invariance found. From these results, we concluded that the ILT-BR is suitable for use in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Ferraresi Rodrigues Queluz, F. N., Lessa, J. P. ., Rinaldo Priolo Filho, S., Trombini Frick, L., Zacarias Martins, J., Sanches Peres, R., … Cortez, P. A. (2022). Adaptation and evidence of validity of the Traumatic Grief Inventory for Brazil. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(2), e-2442.




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