Individual, contextual and organizational predictors of work engagement and job crafting




work engagement, job crafting, organizational behavior, motivation


The purpose of this research was to identify, in a group of motivators, the predictors of engagement at work and job crafting based on the job demand-resources theory with the eight motivational forces model of permanence and turnover. The sample comprised 215 Brazilian workers of the communication and marketing area. The results showed that: a) the individual aspects do not predict engagement at work nor job crafting, b) the contextual aspects (friends expectations and employability) predict in a different way both variables; and finally, c) the organizational aspects (affective identification, growth possibilities, interpersonal relationships and costs associated with leaving the organization) positively predict both engagement at work and job crafting. Considering the benefits of both variables at the individual and organizational level, the study contributes to the literature of the area by highlighting elements that promote them.


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How to Cite

Altamirano, J. ., Oviedo, P. ., Simões Tocchetto, B. ., & Ziebell de Oliveira, M. . (2020). Individual, contextual and organizational predictors of work engagement and job crafting. Ciencias Psicológicas, 14(2), e-2202.




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