Spirituality and Personality within the framework of The Big Five
spirituality, religiosity, personality, big five, sixth factorAbstract
The present study aimed at assessing, in our context, whether the previously mentioned constructs emerge as a distinct factor within the model of the Big Five. The study used a non-probabilistic, intentional sample composed of 186 subjects between the ages of 18 and 28 years old from the city of Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina. Two exploratory factor analysis were performed.The results show that those aspects related to spirituality and religiousness - except for the sub-dimension connectedness- constituted an independent and non-redundant factor with the model of the Big Five. These findings, in line with other studies, enable to assess the role of spirituality and religiousness within a theory of personality, and thus provide a more holistic understanding of individual differences in human personality.
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